Sunday, September 18, 2011

Auto Workers Union Revises Contracts with U.S. Auto Makers

The United Auto Workers, a union which represents more than 39,000 auto workers in North America (1), is reworking labor contracts with Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler. A tentative agreement reached with GM on Friday will help shape similar agreements with Ford and Chrysler. GM was chosen as "the lead company" because the UAW felt GM was most likely to meet the UAW's terms (2). 

The agreement with GM will not become an official contract until all 45,800 UAW workers at GM vote to ratify it. The agreement secures several items on the UAW's wish list that were not included in previous contracts. This contract is also the first new contract to be reached since GM recieved a federal bailout. The new terms include raising wages $2 to $3 for entry level workers and reopening a plant in Tennessee which has been left in the dark as a part of GM's restructuring plan. GM also included terms in the agreement that link employee bonus checks to vehicle quality (3). 

An agreement with Chrysler has yet to be reached, partially caused to disagreements and accusations between Chrysler's CEO and the UAW president. Negotiations will resume this week. Ford has been waiting to see the terms of the GM and UAW agreement before it finalizes its own agreement. 

While GM promised to restore previously lost jobs in its agreement, Ford may not be able to commit to similar action. GM has a larger workforce within North America and its factories have been operating at a higher capacity than Ford's factories. 

The problem with Chrysler's agreement may be matching a raise by Ford in entry level workers' salaries. Chrysler has more entry level workers than Ford, making it more costly for Chrysler to raise that group's wages.



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